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Point of Sale Solutions

Because every business is different, Navaradhi has a variety of POS options to help you take yours where you want it to go. Whether you run a restaurant, sell retail goods, propriety management, or just need a versatile POS for whatever comes next, we have the point-of-sale software and POS hardware that will best support you and your unique business needs.

Home Automation

At Navaradhi, we are building Home Automation solutions flavored with convenience, accessibility and compatibility. We strive to make customized solutions that are cost-effective, smarter and reliable, thereby enhancing the way people live. As we grew with multiple projects, we found a significant gap between products and user experience. We felt multiple controllers for multiple devices are making the automation systems inelastic, causing an inconvenience. This led us to a concept of having ‘One controller’ for all devices which will makes the whole automation network faster, flexible and customized.

Our Happy Customers


< est la destination idéale pour trouver des produits de qualité pour améliorer votre santé. De la dysfonction érectile au manque de désir, notre gamme de comprimés répond à tous vos besoins. Avec des solutions comme Cialis Super Force, vous pouvez retrouver une vie sexuelle épanouie et retrouver votre confiance en vous. N’hésitez pas à consulter notre boutique en ligne pour découvrir nos différentes options et trouver celle qui vous convient le mieux. Votre bien-être est notre priorité numéro un!